Caesar III Playthrough Archive

This page is devoted to the support of Impressions' citybuilding game Caesar III. On this page you will find various "playthrough" files of cities I have played and saved a series of several to many save games. Each save file shows the progressive changes made to the subject city from its early stages in the first save file upto a point shortly before the promotion offer occurs.

To use these files simply download and unzip each archive into the main \Sierra\Caesar3 game folder on your hard drive. You will need some sort of unzipping utility such as WinZip to open the archives on this page and access the files within. Once the files are safely in place simply start the game and load each one from the game's internal "LOAD" menu.

Please visit my Caesar III Music Player page.

TheVillage Brundisium
Caesarea Capua
Carthago Damascus
Lindum Londinium
Lugdunum Lutetia
Massilia Mediolanum
Miletus Sarmizegetusa
Syracusae Tarentum
Tarraco Tarsus
Tingis Valentia