Zeus and Poseidon Cheat Codes

Press Ctrl + Alt + C to bring up the cheat window, and type in the following (exactly as printed, including capitalisation):

Useful Cheats

Delian Treasury - adds 1000 drachmae to your account. This will only work if you have less than 15,000dr in your treasury.

Ambrosia - wins the level, and moves on to the next one. Allow a couple of months for this to come into effect.

Useless Cheats

Bowvine and Arrow - Towers will now shoot cows instead of arrows.

Cheese Puff - makes dairy workers put on cheese suit and wobble around (again, don't ask...).

Fireballs from Heaven - lets you strike a particular piece of ground with a fireball from above.

Bigbadwolf - Wolves are bigger and more dangerous.


SoundFrags - "It is a small trick to improve sound performance. First you open zeus.ini file in a text editor and after the CPU= line you add this: "SoundFrags=48" Then you can increase it in increments of 16 up to 96 for improved sound performance."

Poseidon only

Mammaldrome - The horses running in a completed hippodrome change into a boar, a bull, a wolf and a deer, including sound effects.

Seasick - Poseidon gives city fish.

AtlastheGreat - Monuments get built faster.